Birthday Felicitations For James Joyce
And lo, 165 years ago, a star was seen in the West and a saviour was born. And they beheld him, even him, our Messiah, clothed upon in the glory of his brightness. And there came a voice out of heaven crying James! James Augustine Aloysius!
Birthday greetings for James Joyce, writer, son, husband, father and, it's been scientifically proven, the greatest man who ever lived. Born on Candlemas, Joyce was always a comedian ... entwining our arts with laughters low. So raise a glass or ten and wish the old boy a very happy birthday.

Birthday greetings for James Joyce, writer, son, husband, father and, it's been scientifically proven, the greatest man who ever lived. Born on Candlemas, Joyce was always a comedian ... entwining our arts with laughters low. So raise a glass or ten and wish the old boy a very happy birthday.

Hail to J.J.
Great stills.
As I asked in an email to Rose, what would the collective noun for a multitude of James Joyces be ... a booze of Joyces? A scribe of Joyces?
A choice of Joyce...? A moist of Joyce... A Beuys of Joyce...
A Beuys of Joyce, I like that one. Beuys was a bit of a Joycean, wasn't he? Didn't he write some further chapters for Ulysses?
A brace of Joycii?
Dubliners is one of my favourite books ever.
A Modernist who loved life.
And that's just where the contradictions start.
A man of contradictions, old Jim.
Dubliners ... such a subtle book, so much under the surface.
as I type I am currently working on a word-by-word streaming database project of Ulysses ... not having previously managed to finish the book before - this is a rather somewhat interesting introduction to it again for me .. some very nice surprises in there !!
yep - happy b-day JJ..
That sounds interesting, the database project ... Joyce is the writer for this sort of thing ... I always say, he invented hypertext with Finnegans Wake.
database work pushes ahead - had a meeting with the senior curator of the museum which will host this work today - to say they are not exactly geared up for a new-media work of this type might be somewhat an understatement - still all being well - from April onwards a word every 2.57 minutes will indeed be presented (in some form or the other - TBD) ... an online version for all peeps not west-country-based will follow (all being well!) ..
That sounds fascinating ... would be very interested in seeing it. I often wonder what Joyce would make of the digital world ... unlike many Modernists who had a fear of modernity (I know, as Alanis Morissette would point out ... isn't it ironic?) Joyce had an almost childlike interest in just about everything.
Including Nora's farts and poos.
Particularly Nora's toilet habits ...
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