23 Skidoo Over And Out

William S. Burroughs prepares to draw a bead on film "funny" man Jim Carey - that's see, ay, arr, eee, why? Because he's a gurning, rubber-faced, hopelessly unfunny, gormless arsehole messing around with things he hasn't a hope in Hell of understanding.

23, whether in the I Ching, Morse code or Crowleyian magick indicates a breaking, a sundering. Once you start to notice the preponderance of the number, it is startling how often it turns up ... this may be synchronicity or a clue to how your perception works, when you point it in a particular direction. As Burroughs suggested , you can't tell anyone anything, but merely show them what they already know.
The Qabala, numerology, Jungian myth, magick, physics, mathematics, biology - the number 23 turns up again and again in occult systems and 'real' science. Even a cursory search across the Internet throws up an infinite array of information centred on 23, here for instance. Like many others, I first became aware of this phenomenom due to it being one of the elements swirling around in Burroughs' nexus of obsessions (along with Venusian lizard boys, the hanged man's orgasm, the viral nature of language, guns and narcotics).
The power of 23, known to such arch conspiracy connoisseurs as Burroughs, Aleister Crowley and Robert Anton Wilson - now reduced to a vulgar fucking joke of a horror movie by two of the dullest little simpletons in the business - 'wacky' Jim Carey and 'camp'n'kitsch' Joel Schumacher. Isn't there some kind of law we can invoke to stop this? Can't members of 'The Legion of Dynamic Discord' at least hunt them down and give them a good thrashing?
I remember a few years ago when all this featured in the papers ... something to do with David Beckham, of all people. And now the lazy hacks that run the media are dragging it all out again to publicize a dreadful piece of Hollywood hokey ... some workshy little researcher, straight out of Oxbridge, can't even be bothered to do anything but supply said hack with the same witless articles ... this time dressed up with a few publicity shots of our boy Carey.
Truly, one could weep.